Something happened at the end of June, and I know I’m not the only one that noticed the shift. It felt like a gentle tap on the shoulder, but as we approached July it turned into a startling push from behind. At the same time, the world woke up, stretched her legs,...
Do you ever notice themes showing up in life? I’ve unintentionally been theming my blogs each quarter (season). As I begin to unravel what I want to say and words fall out of my mouth and onto paper, I can then start to see what’s underneath it all. So it’s no...
When you break it down, energy is energy. It always has been and will continue to be long beyond our new infatuation with it. How practitioners and healers work with and interpret that energy is what makes modalities so diverse. Energy is my colleague — she...
There’s this thing I need to get off my chest (I promise this is worth reading all the way through); I don’t want to just tell you about it, it’s something I want to do with you!! Will you take me home with you for the month of December? ...
As I was standing in the bathroom getting ready for my work day last week, I got a text message from my mom: “Heidi do you have a minute?” Usually, if my mom sends me a text message it’s an “I love you” followed by a stream of emojis. So I, like most of us when...
You wake up, it’s Thanksgiving morning, the turkey is in the oven (no it’s not November — this is a metaphor, so roll with it =))…You’re focused on watching what you consume in the early parts of the day so that you have room to stuff your face with delicious...
Physically and Energetically What do you think of when you hear the phrase, “you are what you consume”? Maybe you think, “shouldn’t it be ‘eat’?” Or maybe your mind goes to, “Oh yeah, I probably should have thought of that before my extra dessert last night,”...
Have you ever heard the term “get grounded”? This phrase came up a lot while I was in massage school, taking a yoga class, and in other various life situations around spiritual or body practices, but no one (until I went through clarvoiant training) ever really...